Jul 17, · Viruses can be differentiated based on how they store their genomic information, such as by DNA or doublestranded RNA Positivesense singlestranded RNA (ssRNA) viruses are one such way and itSmallpox is an acute, contagious disease with two main forms, variola major and variola minor, both of which cause similar lesions;Jun 12, · Lv et al examined the antiviral effect of ivermectin on an enveloped doublestranded DNAbased swine virus called PRV, which is a

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Non enveloped double stranded dna virus
Non enveloped double stranded dna virus-Virus Virus Annotated classification DNA viruses Family Poxviridae Large viruses of complex structure with dimensions of 400 × 250 nm, the genome of which is linear doublestranded DNA Virions contain at least 40 proteins and lipids, as well as internal structures called lateral bodies The 2 subfamilies are called Chordopoxvirinae, which infect vertebrates and are closely relatedJun 02, 21 · On the other hand, variola virus is an enveloped virus that belongs to the genus Orthopoxvirus and causes smallpox infection Thus, this is the key difference between vaccinia and variola virus Moreover, the doublestranded DNA of the vaccinia virus is 190 kbp in size In contrast, the doublestranded DNA of variola virus is 186 kbp in size

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(a) Rabies virus has a singlestranded RNA (ssRNA) core and an enveloped helical capsid, whereas (b) variola virus, the causative agent of smallpox, has a doublestranded DNA (dsDNA) core and a complex capsidDec 01, 19 · The virus has been isolated from T ni and transmitted per os and by injection to T ni and several other species of the family Noctuidae The virions produced by this virus are large (ca 130 × 400 nm), enveloped, and allantoid in shape with complex symmetry and contain apparently linear, doublestranded DNA of Mr of ≈ 100 × 10 8Classification of Viruses Viruses can store their genetic information in six different types of nucleic acid which are named based on how that nucleic acid eventually becomes transcribed to the viral mRNA (see Fig 1) capable of binding to host cell ribosomes and being translated into viral proteins In the diagrams below, () and () represent complementary strands of nucleic acid
B19, database# 1S58 Parvovirus B19 virus is part of the parvovirus family and causes a childhood rash called fifth disease or erythema infectiosum that is commonly called slapped cheek syndrome B19 is a nonenveloped virus whose capsid protects a single stranded linear DNA genomeJun 25, 17 · Most doublestranded DNA viruses replicate within the host cell nucleus, including polyomaviruses, adenoviruses, and herpesviruses—poxviruses, however, replicate in the cytoplasm Adenoviruses and herpes viruses encode their own replication factorsThe genomes of viruses can consist of 1) singlestranded or doublestranded DNA, 2) singlestranded positivestrand RNA (or sense RNA), 3) singlestranded negativestrand RNA (or antisense RNA), or 4) double stranded RNA that is covered by a protein coat called a nucleocapsid
Positive single stranded RNA viruses;(a) Rabies virus has a singlestranded RNA (ssRNA) core and an enveloped helical capsid, whereas (b) variola virus, the causative agent of smallpox, has a doublestranded DNA (dsDNA) core and a complex capsidEnveloped and contains partially doublestranded circular DNA that is enveloped Viruses carry a DNA polymerase with reverse transcriptase activity to synthesize an RNA intermediate that is then used to make genomic DNA This family of viruses replicates in the nucleus, differentiating it from the Poxvirus family

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Genome serves as a giant mRNA;A) enveloped viruses – envelope present (mostly animal viruses) b) naked viruses – no envelope present Nucleic acid core a) DNA viruses · Singlestranded DNA parvovirus only · Doublestranded DNA all the rest of the DNAcontaining viruses b) RNA virusesWe have found that mycoplasma virus L172 is an enveloped globular virion containing circular, singlestranded DNA of 140 kilobases L172 has been reported by other workers to have a doublestranded DNA genome of 13 to 17 kilobase pairs and has been classified as a plasmavirus, a group for which mycoplasma virus L2 is the type member

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The virions produced by this virus are large (ca 130 x 400 nm), enveloped, and allantoid in shape with complex symmetry and contain apparently linear, doublestranded DNA of M (r) of approximately 100 x 10 (8)Replication, transcription and translation performed by host enzymes;Types of DNA Viruses The genetic material of DNA viruses can be in 2 basic forms • singlestranded DNA ( or – strand) • doublestranded DNA A 3rd type involves an RNA intermediate in the replication of viral DNA • involves reverse transcriptase (see "RNA" section)

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Doublestranded DNA virus One singlestranded RNA and one singlestranded DNA in same virus singlestranded RNA virus doublestranded RNA virus 3 "Naked" viruses lack which of the following?Virus includes cold sores or genital soreDNA, enveloped, double stranded;

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The DNA Viruses Chapter 24 MCB 10 Palm Beach State College DNA Enveloped •Doubled stranded •Poxvirus •Herpesvirus •Hepadnavirus Herpesvirus •Simplex I and II •Varicella • Envelope, single stranded • Reverse transcriptase double stranded DNA from single strandedDec 01, 19 · The virus has been isolated from T ni and transmitted per os and by injection to T ni and several other species of the family Noctuidae The virions produced by this virus are large (ca 130 × 400 nm), enveloped, and allantoid in shape with complex symmetry and contain apparently linear, doublestranded DNA of M r of ≈ 100 × 10 8 The• Bacterial viruses – bacteriophages – head polyhedral – tail helical – tail fibers At the Core of a Virus • Either DNA or RNA – Double/single stranded DNA – Double/single stranded RNA • Single stranded RNA – Positivesense (directly translated into proteins)


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The human hepatitis B virus (HBV), that is causative for more than 240 million cases of chronic liver inflammation (hepatitis), is an enveloped virus with a partially doublestranded DNA genome After virion uptake by receptormediated endocytosis, the viral nucleocapsid is transported towards the nuclear pore complexHost ribosomes will translate it to make viral proteinsAvian pox is an enveloped doublestranded DNA virus that is mechanically transmitted via arthropod vectors or mucosal membrane contact with infectious particles or birds J Wildl Dis Avian pox in magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus)

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AccessMedicine is a subscriptionbased resource that features leading medical content, plus multimedia, selfassessment, algorithms, case studies, and moreL enveloped DNA viruses l never been grown in tissue culture l unusual genome containing both double & single stranded DNA l tropism for liver l Hepatitis B virus causes hepatitis & can be a factor in liver cancer l other members cause hepatitis in woodchucks, ground squirrels, &There are about 160 genes in each species The virion is an icosahedron with 162 capsomeres

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Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is an enveloped, partially doublestranded DNA virus of the Hepadnaviridae family (128) The infectious hepatitis B virion, known as the Dane particle, is approximately 42 nm in size and is composed of an outer lipid envelope containing viral glycoproteins as well as an inner nucleocapsid (Figure 1)May 11, 18 · Herpesviruses are enveloped, doublestranded DNA viruses Of the more than 50 herpes viruses that exist, only eight cause disease in humansEnveloped doublestranded DNA insect virus with novel structure and cytopathology (viral vesicles/cell cleavage/mitochondria/membrane synthesis/virion assembly) BRIAN A FEDERICI Division of Biological Control, Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, CA Communicated by George A Zentmyer, September 8, 19

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Many viruses can use host enzymes to synthesize their genomes;(a) Rabies virus has a singlestranded RNA (ssRNA) core and an enveloped helical capsid, whereas (b) variola virus, the causative agent of smallpox, has a doublestranded DNA (dsDNA) core and a complex capsid Rabies transmission occurs when saliva fromEpsteinBarr virus (EBV) is a ubiquitous Blymphotrophic herpesvirus EBV causes the common childhood disease mononucleosis It is an icosahedral, lipid enveloped, doublestranded DNA virus sized 1150 nm in diameter EBV has been found in the tumor cells of a heterogeneous

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Nucleocapsid envelope DNA RNA Helical capsid 4 _____ are RNA viruses that are copied into DNA so that they can integrate into the host's DNAJun 25, 17 · Adenoviruses are mediumsized (90–100 nm), nonenveloped, icosahedral viruses composed of a nucleocapsid and a linear, doublestranded DNA (dsDNA) genome There are 57 described serotypes in humans, which are responsible for 5–10% of upper respiratory infections in children, and many infections in adults as wellFeb 13, 08 · The GpSGHV genome is a doublestranded circular DNA molecule of 190,032 bp containing 160 nonoverlapping open reading frames (ORFs), which are distributed equally on both strands with a gene density of one per 12 kb It has a high AT content of 72%

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The family Hepadnaviridae comprises small enveloped viruses with a partially doublestranded DNA genome of 30–34 kb All family members express three sets of proteins (preC/C, polymerase and preS/S) and replication involves reverse transcription within nucleocapsids inDNA vs RNA Virus Biosynthesis Nucleic Acid Family Biosynthesis DNA, single stranded, linear Parvoviridae (nonenveloped) Cellular enzyme transcribes viral DNA in nucleus DNA, double stranded, linear Adenoviridae (nonenveloped) Herpesviridae (enveloped) Poxviridae (enveloped) Cellular enzyme transcribes viral DNA in nucleusIII Strategies of Genomic Expression – DNA Viruses A Double Stranded DNA Viruses Which Replicate in Nucleus (eg, papovaviruses, papillomaviruses, adenoviruses, herpesviruses) Figure 10, p 109 from Fields Virology 1 Sequential, ordered rounds of

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An enveloped, doublestranded DNA virus PPV Porcine parvovirus A nonenveloped, singlestranded DNA virus Prion The infectious particle associated with transmissible spongiform encephalopathies It is believed to consist only of protein and to contain no nucleic acid PRV Pseudorabies virus An enveloped, doublestranded DNA virusThese are mediumsized, enveloped, viruses containing doublestranded DNA Genetically, this is the second most complex family of viruses;Double stranded DNA viruses;

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Herpesviruses An Overview Properties Of Herpesviruses N N
The virus has been isolated from T ni and transmitted per os and by injection to T ni and several other species of the family Noctuidae The virions produced by this virus are large (ca 130 x 400 nm), enveloped, and allantoid in shape with complex symmetry and contain apparently linear, doublestranded DNA of M(r) of approximately 100 x 10(8)(1) Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is an enveloped, doublestranded (ds) DNA virus The HSV1 genome consists of 152 kb of linear dsDNA arranged as long and short unique segments (UL and US) flanked by inverted repeated sequences (TRL/IRL and IRS/TRS, respectively)22 families of viruses have viruses with dsDNA genomes thosethat includemammalian viruses are theAdenoviridae Double stranded DNA (dsDNA) ‐ , Hepadnaviridae, Herpesviridae, Papillomaviridae, Polyomaviridae, and Poxviridae Information extraction (making mRNA)


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Both viruses are made of DNA, but singlestranded DNA viruses lack the ability to create the double helix Thus, doublestranded DNA viruses have a more stable genome due to the complimentary base pairing, increasing the lifespan of the virus's genomeTransmission occurs via respiratory droplets (primary route of transmission), or via fineparticle aerosol, or skin inoculationSimilar to transcription and translation as with host DNA;

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Doublestranded (ds) RNA viruses are a diverse group of Tnumber, capsid layers or turrets) Members of this group include the rotaviruses, known globally as a common cause of gastroenteritis in young children, and bluetongue virus, an economically important pathogen of cattle and sheep Of these families, the Reoviridae is the largest and most diverse in terms of host range• Many viruses with doublestranded DNA genomes have basic histonelike molecules closely associated with the DNA Some are virusencoded, eg adenovirus polypeptide VII Other viruses utilize cellular proteins, eg the polyomavirus genome assumes a chromatinlike structure in association with

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